The No. 1 rule at our school is “Never hurt anyone on the inside or the outside!” School staff strive to provide for the physical safety and emotional well-being of every child in our program. As our staff encourages children to make positive choices, they build valuable skills in decision-making. We stress the importance of verbal communication and “using our words.” This equips children to identify, talk about, and act upon their feelings in a positive manner. We are committed to helping children build self-esteem and self-confidence through positive reinforcement, social interactions, and educational play and learning. Red Bucket Christian Preschool strives to:
Every child is precious. We do not use shame or humiliation to bring about acceptable behavior. We make every effort to be fair and consistent in directing children away from undesirable behavior and toward positive behavior.
Occasionally, a child may have difficulty following rules or guidelines. If this occurs, the teacher will use a verbal warning and redirect the child’s attention. With a second or continued undesirable behavior, the child will receive a time-out and is held accountable for his/her actions. If the behavior continues, the teacher will contact the parent to discuss and develop a plan to deal with the child’s behavior. As a last resort, a parent will be called to remove the child if he/she is blatantly defiant or disruptive, endangers him/herself or other people or property.
We require you to keep your child home when ill. Please keep a child home for a minimum of 24 hours after a fever, vomiting or diarrhea has completely resolved and no longer needs medication. Should a child become ill while at school, every attempt will be made to contact you via the information you provide on your registration form.
We enjoy a snack time each day. We ask that each child bring their own healthy snack every day. Sugary treats will not be served. Because of allergy concerns, our school facility is completely nut-free. Please do not send any nuts or nut products as snacks to school, including most granola bars. No exceptions. Please do not send anything to drink, as water will be provided every day.
It is Red Bucket Christian Preschool’s policy not to publish in any way any picture of a child unless there is permission from that child’s parent. This includes posting on the internet in any capacity. We ask that you protect the privacy of families that do not wish to be on the internet. Please do not post a picture of any child not your own without receiving express permission from that child’s parents.