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Red Bucket Christian PreschoolWelcome to
Red Bucket Christian PreschoolWelcome to
Red Bucket Christian Preschool
Our Curriculum
Language Arts: Building oral language, alphabet recognition/ identification, letter/ sound recognition, recognition and writing of name, calendar (months, days of week, yesterday, today, tomorrow), auditory skills, vocabulary, sharing, interactive reading, memory, classification, visual discrimination, perception, socialization skills, appreciation of literature, print awareness.
Social Studies: Concepts including home and family, community and careers, the world around us. Professional visitors and/or field trips may be scheduled to enhance the student’s learning experience.
Math & Science: Number recognition/identification, counting, sorting and classifying, spatial orientation, shapes, sequential ordering, patterns, prediction, animals and plants, weather and seasons, time and space, transportation, measurement, experimentation.
Worship Center: Basic Christian Bible stories, object lessons, songs and prayers.
Health & Safety: Personal hygiene, nutrition, home safety, fire safety, earthquake safety/awareness, emergency and “911” procedures.
Social Skills: Listening and following directions, sharing, communication skills, respect for self and others (people and property), patience, compassion, empathy and decision making.
Fine Motor Skills: Holding tools, handwriting, cutting with scissors, gluing, manipulating objects (puzzles, blocks, etc.), coloring, painting and free art creativity.
Large Motor Skills: Exercising, hand-eye coordination, body & space awareness, balance and directionality.
Musical Literacy: Musikgarten curriculum, including listening/singing, pitch and tone, tempo and cadence, rhythm and rhyme.
All 4's / Pre-K classes are kindergarten readiness curriculum.